
Power to build
strong communities


Vision, Mission & Values


To be safest, most reliable, efficient, and environmentally conscious energy provider in Oman


To deliver safe, reliable and efficient power to the people of Oman in an environmentally Compliant manner, such that Sur IPP is held in high regard by all those involved with the business.


STRONG  - Safety . Teamwork . Respect . Ownership . Nurturing . Growth

SAFETYWe will keep each other safe by making sure that at all times that nothing is so urgent or important that it cannot be done safely. TEAMWORKThe power of the Team is highly important to business success. RESPECTWe will treat people in a positive manner and pay due attention to the views and feelings of those around us. OWNERSHIPWe will be honest with each other and we take responsibility and ownership for our actions. NURTURINGSupport & encourage the development for each other . GROWTHwe learn from each other & other around us which results in overall growth and improvement . Our HistoryShareholdersBoard of Directors
our vision